This was one of those shoots that sort of planned itself. The Half-Orc Tiefling was originally it's own shoot, then part of a group shoot - that didn't pan out so it went back to a solo shoot for about 2 seconds. I realized before settling that less experienced models often do better when they have someone to play off of - so it became a duo shoot.
I wanted to start doing character head shots, but in a themed setting. I didn't want to photoshop anything, so the best idea was to create a portable stone wall and the ability to add a few props into it. These are my first attempts, it might get refined as good, but I think it does exactly what I need it to do.
Fortunately waiting for cooler weather was a good idea since the Half-Orc Tiefling costume is mostly wool, and a lot of layers, and the foam latex hands weren't going to make it any easier. It still got pretty warm, but it could've been worse.