All my prosthetics are made of foam latex, I don't do latex, silicone or gelatin prosthetics.
They all require prosthetic adhesives and makeup, I don't sell these items though.
Where are you located?
Prince Edward Island, Canada. There's no physical store, just an online presence. I've been doing business for over 14 years, mostly through Etsy.
Can I use these if I'm allergic to latex?
No, that would be a horrible idea. Make sure you're not allergic to latex before applying a foam latex prosthetic.
How big is your company?
It's just me, Fox Henderson. I make the moulds, sculpt the designs, run the foam, package and ship and do all the other business stuff - so don't expect Amazon speed when ordering.
What shipping methods can you use?
Canada Post. That's all I've used since I've been in business, and that's all I've needed. Because I'm located quite far from any city, it's too much of an expense to use other shipping companies, trust me, I've looked into it - not worth it.
Will it fit me/my children/my dog/Godzilla?
All the prosthetics available on this site are generically made, which means they're made from a mould of an average sized adult face - either male or female. If you're larger or smaller than average, it not going to fit as well as it could. nor will they fit small children.
Can prosthetics be reused?
Technically yes, but no - they really aren't intended to be reused, you can try to reuse them but how well that works is on you. In the end it's a matter of quality and hygiene, it won’t look as good the 2nd time around and if you don’t seriously clean it, it can be a little gross to reuse them.
Can I just buy that specific part of a prosthetic?
It doesn't really work like that. You can buy the full piece and chop it up yourself, there's no guarantee it'll work the way you want it to, but that's up to you, and not something I’m going to do for you.
​Do you make a prosthetic that looks like "whatever" ?
​What I have is on this site, how it looks to you is up to you, so rather than ask me (as my opinion may differ from yours, or I may have no idea to what you’re referring) it’s best to just look and decide for yourself. In the time it takes to email me asking that question, you could’ve just scrolled through the entire inventory and looked.
Do you wholesale prosthetics?
Yes. 50% of retail cost. $500 minimum order. Larger pieces over $100 CAD are either unavailable for wholesale, or at a different rate than everything else. And you’ll need to prove you’re actually running a shop that sells these kinds of items.
Will you pre-paint my prosthetic?
No, it’s too much of a pain in the ass for so many reasons and it’s just not a service I offer or will ever offer, you’re getting a blank canvas, the whole point is to paint it yourself.
​How long will it take to get here?
Serioulsy, this isn’t a full question and I get it all the time. It all depends on where you live, if you overseas, maybe 10 business days, in the US between 5-10 business days, in Canada 2-6 business days, or if you live next door to me, just come over when it’s ready. If you can’t tell me where you’re located, I can’t tell you how long it’ll take.
I want several copies of design X, can I get a discount?
​No. It makes absolutely no sense to give a discount on a job that is more work or creates more waste. Foam latex is created in specific sized batches, so there’s a chance I will be wasting hundreds of dollars, etc, etc, etc. I don’t do discounts outside of already established “sets”, please don’t waste time by asking.
Why do you close your shop mid- October?
Because it becomes massively stressful in the end dealing with last minute orders that may or may not arrive in time. All I can say is plan ahead,
I need something FAST, can you help with that?
It really depends, there's a definite length of time in processing and shipping that can't be avoided. Normally I suggest give yourself 3 weeks from when you order to expect it to arrive, but there can be some wiggle room. Rush orders need to contact me first in order to be processed properly, as there can be an additional charge on those.
I need something FAST, can you help with that - part 2.
While I'm willing to try to accommodate Rush Orders, one thing that really helps is to respond quickly. I can only do so much if I'm waiting on a response from you and it takes several days to hear back, I often respond fairly quickly, sometimes within the hour, so expect that.
Why is it all just Demon prosthetics?
I make the occasional non-Demon pieces that are cosplay oriented for specific characters, but overall what I do is Demons. I chose to do this because I don't care for old age makeups, animal related makeups, skulls, clowns and wounds or even aliens - there's a lot of those already out there and I have nothing to say about those ideas, I find Demon related designs appeal to me more than those others.
Would you work for exposure?
Sure, if you're willing to now pay double after asking that.
Seriously, don't ever ask an artist to work for exposure, if you do, expect to get to told off. It's incredibly insulting and rude and entitled.