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Of Elves and Tieflings: Elven Ranger.

This is the official start of this photo series, and the title pretty much says it all. I feel like for the time being, this is mostly what I'll be doing. Aside from the occasional random Demon shoot I like the idea of keeping it simple for a bit. It's less stress on my foam latex supplies, less makeup resources needed - a bit more costuming, but that all stays within my ever growing wardrobe collection.

The first shoot is an Elven Ranger, this was in the works for quite some time. It was always intended to be an Off-Island shoot (I live on an Island for those who don't know, which has limited possibilities for photo shoots after 15 years), we ended up mostly in Nova Scotia and with a last minute addition to a location I'd never heard of until literally two weeks ago.

There's a place in Aulac, New Brunswick, and old fort called Fort Beasejour (, I wrote them and asked for permission to shoot there - it was just me and the model. I despise photographers and filmmakers who are so entitled that they just show up at locations like this totally unannounced and try to take over like they own the place - it happens a lot apparently.